
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Essay example --

1.Problem StatementPharmaceutical companies are facing some(prenominal) challenges, amongst which the most important ones are the freeze on drug prices, damage inflation, fake and counterfeit medicines, and IPR violations of patented products. In Pakistan, the World Health institution estimates that as much as 30 to 40 per centum of medicinal drug on the market may be counterfeited. Pakistanis spend 77 percent of their household health budgets on medications, which puts at high risk the lineament of healthcare being received.The organic chemical industry in Pakistan faces more challenges, which includes input availability and price, scale, power, and infrastructure are one of the main problems. The immanent cyclical trends observed in the industry exaggerate these challenges. Depending on the ply and demand-side linkages, the severity of challenges differs across firms.Pakistani pharmaceutical industry is one of the study industries and it has 70% of share to fulfill the de mand of finished pharmaceutical products. These twain industries also contribute in economic growth and development. This study is a preliminary in nature and it will also be a milestone for future research on this topic.The aim of this study is to canvas the efficiency and the determinants of efficiency of pharmaceutical and chemical firms in Pakistan. The efficiency of all(prenominal) firm will be evaluated using data envelopment summary (DEA) approach.Objectives of StudyFollowing are key research questions that are inevitable to be explored/discussedTo find the economic efficiency of Pharmaceutical and Chemical firms in Pakistan using non-parametric techniques.Conduct Tobit regression analysis for augmenting the analysis.To make recommendations on the earth of empirical... ... with which pre- and post-merger activities sop up been conducted in banks that were studied by DEA.Since DEA in its present machinate was first introduced in 1978, researchers in a emergence of fi elds allow quickly recognized that it is an excellent and easily used methodology for mold operational processes for performance evaluations. This has been accompanied by other developments. For instance, Zhu (2002) provides a number of DEA spreadsheet models that can be used in performance evaluation and benchmarking. DEAs empirical orientation and the absence of a need for the numerous a priori assumptions that accompany other approaches (such as standard forms of statistical regression analysis) have resulted in its use in a number of studies involving efficient marge estimation in the governmental and nonprofit sector, in the regulated sector, and in the private sector.

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